It was a kernel module:

# Build Paragon ReFS kernel module

function build-paragon-refs {
    local paragon_refs_src_dir=${work_dir}/paragon-src-refs

    if [ -f ${paragon_refs_tar_gz} ]; then
        mkdir -p ${paragon_refs_src_dir} || error-exit
        tar xf ${paragon_refs_tar_gz} -C ${paragon_refs_src_dir} || error-exit

        ( cd ${paragon_refs_src_dir} && ./configure --with-modulename=ReFS --with-ks-dir=${kernel_src_dir} --with-kernelversion=${KERNEL_VERSION} ) || error-exit
        ( cd ${paragon_refs_src_dir} && make driver ) || error-exit

        mkdir -p ${SUPERMIN_MODULES}/kernel/fs/ReFS || error-exit
        cp -f ${paragon_refs_src_dir}/ReFS.ko ${SUPERMIN_MODULES}/kernel/fs/ReFS/ || error-exit
        depmod -a --basedir ${kernel_modules_dir} ${KERNEL_VERSION} || error-exit

        echo 'alias fs_ReFS ReFS' > /etc/modprobe.d/ReFS.conf || error-exit
        echo '/etc/modprobe.d/ReFS.conf' > ${supermin_dir}/modprobe.d-ReFS-hostfiles || error-exit

  Mykola Ivanets

ср, 5 січ. 2022, 21:36 користувач Richard W.M. Jones <> пише:
On Wed, Jan 05, 2022 at 09:27:34PM +0200, Nikolay Ivanets wrote:
> p.s. Previously you could download the driver directly from their website. Now
> you have to contact them. :-(
> --
>   Mykola Ivanets
> ср, 5 січ. 2022, 21:21 користувач Nikolay Ivanets <> пише:
>     There is ReFS driver for Linux by Paragon:
>     /home/refs-linux/
>     You are unlikely to include it onto libguestfs (it is proprietary and
>     likely there are license restrictions) but I successfully used it my own to
>     read ReFS file system from with libguestfs.

Thanks - I didn't know aboutu this.

Do you recall what they are providing?  eg. Kernel module, userspace
FUSE binary, etc?


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat
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