Hey Hilko,

>> I'm guessing that you're using Ubuntu, am I right?

Pretty good guess. :)

For the time being I'm using 13.10.  I know I've said it previously,  but your right, I should include that info so I don't make people have to go digging.

How do you normally deal with that warning? I typically rename the kvm binary, then link qemu-system-x86_64 but my concern is that will cause problems if I want a 32 bit vm... (I don't see a reason to run i386 these days,  but I _guarntee_ you, I have a customer who /refuses/ to use 64bit vms...)

>> The ceph package in Debian has been a mess until very recently

Really? I have no problems with ceph. Until I upgraded to 13.10, I was using the opscode ppa; there are no 13.10 repis I'm the ppa...

Ok... I take that back.... Ceph::RADOS is largely incomplete,  and my C is *really* rusty, so I've had some trouble extending the library... but other than that, ceph has been rock solid for me since at least 12.04.

>> support was dropped from the qemu pacakges.

It's funny you should say that. I can't for the life of me get qemu-img to create firmat 2 rbd images... but I think that may be a ceph config problem, not an issue with qemu/kvm.

>> therefore its qemu packages have no rbd support

libvirt has no problem with my rbds. It's just libguestfs that doesn't like my rbds... unless I prefix the name of the pool with a "/".

I'm open to suggestions, I do most of my work in Perl with the expectation my code will run on other platforms, so I'm not married to Ubuntu/debian.

Thanks for your feedback.

Best Regards,
Jon A

On Nov 26, 2013 3:33 AM, "Hilko Bengen" <bengen@hilluzination.de> wrote:
* Jon:

> I'm having trouble connecting to rbd images. It seems like somewhere
> the name is getting chewed up.  I wonder if this is related to my
> previous troubles [1] [2] with rbd images.

The "W: kvm binary is deprecated, please use qemu-system-x86_64 instead"
message looks like the one I know from Debian. From the names of the
kernel images, I'm guessing that you're using Ubuntu, am I right?

The ceph package in Debian has been a mess until very recently, so rbd
support was dropped from the qemu pacakges. Possibly Ubuntu just imports
them from Debian and therefore its qemu packages have no rbd support
