libqcow is read-only on qcow files and don't support write

It seems there's none library can parse the qcow format.

2017-07-12 17:24 GMT+08:00 Pino Toscano <>:
On Wednesday, 12 July 2017 10:45:35 CEST 陳培泓 wrote:
> I know there's lots of functions that can access/modify the internal fs of
> img or qcow2 through libguestfs.
> I want to know is there any library can modify the raw/qcow2 image directly
> in Python?
> For example, there's function called read_qcow2(), and I can know the
> content of tmp.qcow2 through the function read_qcow2().

The only library I know for qcow2 is:
although it seems to not be fully up-to-date with the state of QEMU's
later additions to the format.

RAW files are just 1:1 representation of disks, so you will need to
read partitions, filesystems, etc directly from there.

Pino Toscano