> I did, and I'm enclosing gzipped copy of the file. Line 4197 clearly shows
> it got the correct parameter:
> Initializing the target -o libvirt -os NAS-10G

Ah I see.  This is a limitation:


I see. This situation is great if someone wants to move 1 VM from Hyper-V (for example) to a laptop or to a workstation where he/she is using virt-manager.
Actually not one that I recall from before (the vast majority of
people using virt-p2v are either creating a file or writing to

I got 2 more questions:
  1.  Is it possible to add to the virt-p2v-make-disk program a parameter to add kernel parameters? (right now I have to create the image and edit manually the grub.conf file in the image in order to edit them) - this could help in situations where someone cannot setup PXE.
  2. Is there a way to create the image as a bootable ISO? Hyper-V for example, doesn't like standard "hard disk" images. I see that kiwi has this functionality, but it's only for SuSE.
Thanks again