I download libguestfs from github and fetch to the origin master.

I tried to build libguestfs in my own linux distro and I followd the http://libguestfs.org/guestfs-building.1.html#using-a-prebuilt-binary-appliance to replace with supermin

I download the appliance-1.30.1.tar.xz and appliance-1.30.1.tar.xz.sig
and extract the tarball to /home/user/appliance
and export LIBGUESTFS_PATH=/home/user/appliance

Then I build libguestfs  below:
./autogen.sh --disable-appliance --disable-daemon
make install DESTDIR=/tmp 
It builds fine.

And guestfish version is 1.37.18

But I got error when I execute guestfish:
add --rw disk.qcow2
error:    libguestfs: error: cannot find any suitable libguestfs supermin, fixed or old-style appliance on LIBGUESTFS_PATH

But I echo $LIBGUESTFS_PATH, it's /home/user/appliance

I don't know how come going wrong