libguestfs on Mac OS X (tested with libguestfs-1.24.0) [Oct 19 2013]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- prerequisites: -------------- - install osxfuse, download from: - install some dependencies using macports: sudo port install qemu cdrtools pcre augeas - extract appliance to /usr/local/lib/guestfs/, download from: patches: -------- - replace: chmod --reference="$output.tmp" "$output" -> chmod `stat -f "%p" "$output.tmp"` "$output" [ Note: chmod option --reference doesn’t exist on mac, so to mimic its behaviour, we can use chmod and stat ] - src/proto.c: replace: if (!(*xdrp) (&xdr, args)) -> if (!(*xdrp) (&xdr, args, 0)) - src/proto.c: replace: if (xdrp && ret && !xdrp (&xdr, ret)) -> if (xdrp && ret && !xdrp (&xdr, ret, 0)) [ Note: As noted in Apple’s xdr.h, if code invokes an xdrproc_t callback, it must be modified to pass a third parameter, which may simply be zero ] - src/launch-direct.c: comment out: if (qemu_supports (g, data, "-nodefaults")) ADD_CMDLINE ("-nodefaults"); [ Note: This works around a qemu bug when using the -nodefaults parameter - "qemu: qemu_mutex_lock: Invalid argument" ] - src/guestfs-internal-frontend.h: replace: # define program_name "libguestfs" -> # define program_name getprogname() - gnulib/lib/error.c: replace: extern char *program_name; -> # define program_name getprogname() [ Note: getprogname() on Mac OS X produces similar behaviour to program_invocation_short_name on Linux ] - gnulib/lib/open_memstream.c: add new file, from patch at, remove from it check for #if !HAVE_FUNOPEN (it exists on Mac OSX, but HAVE_FUNOPEN is not defined) - gnulib/lib/ add somewhere (for example, before #if @GNULIB_PCLOSE@): _GL_FUNCDECL_SYS (open_memstream, FILE *, (char **, size_t *)); - gnulib/lib/, replace: openat-die.lo -> open_memstream.lo openat-die.lo - gnulib/lib/, replace: openat-die.c -> open_memstream.c openat-die.c [ Note: Mac OS X lacks open_memstream and gnulib doesn't supply it. Note that open_memstream is part of POSIX, so this is a bug in OS X ] - fuse/guestunmount.c: replace: execclp ("fusermount", "fusermount", "-u", mountpoint, NULL); -> execlp ("/sbin/umount", "umount", mountpoint, NULL); [ Note: osxfuse file systems should be unmounted with the standard "umount" command, instead of the linux specific "fusermount" ] - fuse/guestunmount.c: replace: execlp ("/sbin/fuser", "fuser", "-v", "-m", mountpoint, NULL); -> the following block: const char *cmd_prefix = "/bin/ps -p \"$(fuser -c "; const char *cmd_suffix = " 2>/dev/null)\" -o user,pid,comm 2>/dev/null"; char *cmd = malloc (strlen(cmd_prefix) + strlen(mountpoint) + strlen(cmd_suffix) + 1); if (cmd) { sprintf (cmd, "%s%s%s", cmd_prefix, mountpoint, cmd_suffix); execlp ("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL); free (cmd); } [ Note: fuser option -v doesn’t exist on Mac OS X, so to provide a similar output we can use: ps -p "$(fuser -c mountpoint 2>/dev/null)" -o user,pid,comm 2>/dev/null ] - ruby/, replace: -> _guestfs.bundle (2 occurrences) - ruby/, replace: -> _guestfs.bundle (1 occurrence) [ Note: rake apparently builds with extension .bundle on Mac OS X ] configure: ---------- - use: ./configure --disable-appliance --disable-daemon --disable-probes --disable-php CFLAGS="-I/opt/local/include" LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib" LIBS="-lintl" FUSE_CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/osxfuse/fuse -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64" FUSE_LIBS="-losxfuse" [ Note: regarding --disable-probes, it is needed as the configure script seems to enable probes by default on Mac OS X, and they don’t compile properly ] [ Note: regarding --disable-php, you can remove it from options if you wish, but in Mac OS X "php-config --prefix" will always report /usr, even if your headers are not there. So if you build with php, make sure that either your /usr/include exists, or make it link to wherever your headers are before running configure ] make, test & install: --------------------- - make - LIBGUESTFS_PATH=/usr/local/lib/guestfs/appliance make quickcheck - sudo make install use: ---- - to use guestfish: LIBGUESTFS_PATH=/usr/local/lib/guestfs/appliance guestfish - to mount via osxfuse: LIBGUESTFS_PATH=/usr/local/lib/guestfs/appliance guestmount -o defer_permissions -o allow_other -a image -m device [--trace] mountpoint [ Note: without the specified -o options for osxfuse, there seems to be a permissions problem on mounted images on Mac OS X (they are not writable) ]