In Intel's official documents, SPDK is used as the VM's data disk to accelerate IO performance for various applications such as database and key-value store.

Unlike the data disk that you can log in the VM and make partitions inside, there is no way to do the same thing for a bootable rootfs disk. Because SPDK has its own filesystem, and the host wouldn't recognize the disk even if you export it via NBD.

QEMU works on above SPDK by simple block layer operations, so the only way to deploy SPDK disk is to do in inside, i.e., by using libguestfs.

P.S. I managed to boot up a guest VM with SPDK rootfs disk, and luckily this disk is able to be exported to a file. I'm willing to share this file, so maybe someone in the community could easily setup a environment and test libguestfs integration.

Look forward to your help. Thanks

Bob Chen <> 于2018年7月18日周三 下午12:10写道:
Considering that the technic of SPDK + QEMU is making progress toward maturity.

Personally I'd like to do the integration work. Not sure somebody would mind to give me some clue on that? Because I'm not familiar with libguestfs code structures.
