

I’m running into an issue using the ‘virt-df’ command when SASL is enabled in libvirt. I’m running version 1.26.5 of libguestfs on an Ubuntu 14.04 OS.


I’m running ‘virt-df’ for all guests at one time, not specifying a domain or image to use. I was expecting a SASL authentication prompt but to no avail. Below is a sample run:


root@all-in-one:~# virt-df -P 15

libvirt: XML-RPC error : authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -4 (SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found)

virt-df: could not connect to libvirt (code 45, domain 7): authentication failed: Failed to start SASL negotiation: -4 (SASL(-4): no mechanism available: No worthy mechs found)


However, if I do specify a domain to run on, I am prompted for SASL authentication:


root@all-in-one:~# virt-df -d instance-0000004d

libvirt needs authentication to connect to libvirt URI NULL

(see also: http://libvirt.org/auth.html http://libvirt.org/uri.html)

Please enter your authentication name: nova@all-in-one

Please enter your password:

Filesystem                           1K-blocks       Used  Available  Use%

instance-0000004d:/dev/sdb                 458        458          0  100%

instance-0000004d:/dev/sda1              22773      12223       9322   54%


Is there any way to successfully run ‘virt-df’ for all instances at once while SASL is enabled in libvirt?




Dan Ryder