On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 1:37 PM Richard W.M. Jones <rjones@redhat.com> wrote:
On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 09:24:48PM +0300, Nir Soffer wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 9:16 PM Nir Soffer <nirsof@gmail.com> wrote:
> > +    headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json",
> > +               "Content-Length", str(len(buf))}

There were a few Python syntax errors such as this one.  They
can be found by running:

  make -C v2v check TESTS=test-v2v-python-syntax.sh

Cool. Why not include this in "make check"?

However I have now fixed them.


> Do we have an easy way to test the plugin without running the entire
> virt-v2v pipeline?

Not really.  In fact we don't have any unit tests for -o rhv-upload
functionality because there's no way to simulate the imageio server.

Actually it is easy to use real imageio server for testing.

1. install ovirt-imageio-daemon
2. configure it for testing

# /etc/ovirt-imageio-daemon/daemon.conf
# directory with this structure
#     certs/
#         vdsmcert.pem
#     keys
#         vdsmkey.pem                                                                                                                                                                                 
pki_dir = test/pki
poll_interval = 0.1

port = 9876

socket = /tmp/ovirt-imageio-daemon.sock

3. Now you can run it


To upload, without real engine, you can install your own ticket like this:

1. Create a ticket json:

    $ cat ticket.json
        "uuid": "test",
        "size": 1073741824,
        "url": "file:///var/tmp/sd-uukd/vol-uuid",
        "timeout": 3000,
        "ops": ["read", "write"]

2. Install the ticket

    $ curl --unix-socket /tmp/vdsm/ovirt-imageio-daemon.sock \
          -X PUT \
          --upload-file ticket.json \

3. Create the image:

touch /var/tmp/sd-uuuid/vol-uuid

(note that the file system must support direct I/O)

lvcreate -n vol-uuid -L 1g sd-uuid

At this point you can upload or download using this transfer_url:

We can make it even easier by supporting command line options so 
you don't need to change /etc/ovirt-imageio-daemon, or even install
the package. For example:

    git clone https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-imageio.git
    src/ovirt-image/daemon/ovirt-imageio-daemon -f my-test.conf

Another option is to start the server from your tests like this. This
is how we run our tests.

from ovirt_imageio_daemon import server
from ovirt_imageio_daemon import config

config.daemon.pki_dir = test/pki
config.daemon.poll_interval = 0.1
config.images.port = 9876
config.tickets.socket = "/tmp/ovirt-imageio-daemon.sock"


# run your test here...


Note that we did not complete the port to python 3 yest, so upload tests
will work only with python 2.

The missing part is how to test without real engine. I think the best way would
be to monkeypatch the ovirtsdk module so it does not send any requests,
and instead return fake responses. This add risk of having incorrect mocked
response, or not detecting wrong calls, but will make testing very easy, which 
make it easy for random contributors.

However you can run virt-v2v locally against an oVirt instance without
needing VMware.  The command is rather lengthy, but here it is:

$ virt-builder fedora-27
$ ./run virt-v2v -i disk /var/tmp/fedora-27.img \
    -o rhv-upload \
    -oc https://ovirt-engine.example.com/ovirt-engine/api \
    -os ovirt-data \
    -op /tmp/password \
    -of raw \
    -oo rhv-cafile=/tmp/ca.pem \
    -oo rhv-direct

/tmp/password should contain the oVirt admin password.
/tmp/ca.pem should contain the oVirt CA cert.

This will create a guest called ‘fedora-27’ which you'll need to
delete (on oVirt) afterwards.  You can add ‘-on name’ to name it
something else.

Should we document this?

In any case I have fixed and verified this patch and will push it
soon, thanks.


Richard Jones, Virtualization Group, Red Hat http://people.redhat.com/~rjones
Read my programming and virtualization blog: http://rwmj.wordpress.com
virt-builder quickly builds VMs from scratch